Has Bible reading taken a back seat in your daily routine? Is it hard to find the time? Does Bible reading feel like a chore? These are all obstacles you can overcome and learn how to start reading your Bible. Begin your Bible reading journey one book at a time with an easy Bible reading method. Before you know it, you will be on your way to a renewed focus of reading the Scriptures.

The Bible consists of 66 books. Did you know the Bible includes many genres of reading? It is like browsing through the isles of a bookstore. Within these 66 books of the Bible, you will find the following genres; historical, wisdom, poetry, prophecy, apocalyptic, gospel, and epistles. In addition the Bible is packed full of every human condition, problem, solution, and inspiration.
The Stumbling Blocks to Bible Reading
To begin a Bible reading plan you may need to first identify the stumbling blocks preventing you from achieving a daily consistent reading routine. Let’s look at a few common stumbling block situations:
How can I make time to read the bible everyday?
Yes, we can find ourselves compressed for extra time during the day, but we must examine the truth about this statement. Once you remove the “must do” activities of the day, what’s left are the “discretionary” activities; this is where you will most likely plug in the activities you wish to accomplish. This reasoning of activities begs the question, is Bible reading a priority in my life? If not, rearrange your priorities and place daily Bible reading at the top of the list. This exercise starts in your mind, just like all other ideas, plans and, activities.
I have a difficult time understanding the Bible.
The Bible was God breathed, 2 Timothy 3:16, written by ordinary everyday people, intended for ordinary people to hear and read. Yes, there may be passages that include deep theological topics, ancient customs and peculiar phrases. Still, the Bible is the only book with the ability to be life-changing, life everlasting and, life inspiring. So don’t underestimate your abilities; just begin reading and allow the Holy Spirit to be your guide.
How do I Start Reading the Bible?
There is no right or wrong way to read the Bible, although there are quite a few reading plan options and Bible translations to choose. The goal is to start a Bible reading method to launch your Bible reading journey. This plan can be done as simple or comprehensive according to your needs and wants of Bible reading. Let’s break down this simple method of bible reading by applying the Five “P’s”.
The Five “P’s” for Bible Reading
Begin and end your Bible reading with prayer. Prayer is essential to help set your heart and mind to reading God’s Word. You are about to read what God has written for all the peoples of the Earth. God’s Word is considered a life-long guide to living your life, learning, changing, conviction, growing, and loving God. Prayer is the glue to all this. For further information on prayer, check out my free prayer study.
All promising endeavors have a plan. Plan on a time of time to read your Bible; try to keep this consistent; it will build a healthy pattern to daily reading. Next, choose what type of Bible to read.
Study Bible – These Bibles include commentary that provides additional understanding of the passages.
Chronological Bible – These Bibles are written in chronological order of biblical history. Often these Bibles include timelines of ancient civilizations that coincide with Bible times.
Amplified Bible – An amplified Bible is a translation that explains and expands the meaning of the words and provides a fuller understanding of the original languages of Hebrew and Greek.
Consider accountability tools; Bible reading tracker, Bible reading notebooks, and Bible reading plans. Download Blue Letter Bible or Bible Gateway to your computer or cell phone and use one of their Bible reading tools.
Utilize a Bible study as your guide to reading the Bible, you will not only read through a book of the Bible, but learn and study along the way. Check out free printable Bible studies here.
Pursuing your Bible reading plan consistently builds reading power, optimism, and reading endurance. Reading power is not gained in one day. Consider starting with a devotional to guide you into Bible reading, or check out my free 40 Day Bible Inspiration Journal. You may find reading small passages, such as a chapter in a Bible book is a good way to start. You will eventually discover a strong desire to read your Bible each day, and it will no longer feel like a chore.
Don’t just read the Bible to read; the point is to learn about God, the reason you follow and serve God, to seek out His purpose for your life. To do this, you may want to keep a journal; it will serve as a record of your thoughts, questions, answered prayers and, wisdom gained. Always consider the point of what you read.
Pursuing is taking all the points you learned from reading the Bible and applying the “doing” of God’s Word. Pursuing is where the rubber meets the road, the action part; to act on what you should change, add, refrain, or implement in your faith walk. Again, the Holy Spirit will be your guide. You will find opportunities will present themselves or you will have a growing desire to pursue a specific calling.
Call to Action
What stumbling blocks are you going to remove? Is there a space you need to carve out as your place to read? Is there a period of time that is optimum for Bible reading? What tools will you use for accountability?
Begin the Journey—–Study, Practice, Teach
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Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.
Thank you Mark for your kind words and encouragement!