The Amazing Way The Bible Can Give You Peace In Your Life

There is nothing more sought after than peace, that calm state of mind and soul that many strive for.

Experiencing peace with God is not just about having a strong faith but also about being at peace with oneself. It is about feeling good and having a sense of purpose in life directed by God.

Did you know the Bible has an amazing way of providing peace in your life, regardless of whether you are going through a difficult time or not?

Let’s seek the amazing way God and the Bible can give you peace in your life. 

What is Peace?

Peace is a state of tranquility, freedom from anxiety or fear, and the absence of disturbance.

The Hebrew word Shalom, means completeness, safety, soundness, welfare and peace.

What Does God Want Us to Know About Peace?

The idea of finding peace with God is not a new one. It has been around since the dawn of time. The Bible tells us that God created human beings to be in a relationship with him from the beginning. A relationship where He provides goodness, mercy, and peace.

It is not God’s desire for us to be overwhelmed by turmoil, strife, or uncomfortable circumstances but to walk through all circumstances with the peace Jesus gives, a peace that is more than adequate to provide relief.

Psalm 9:9-10 proclaims, “The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.”  

In Psalm 29:11, we find that the Lord gives us strength and blesses us with peace.

It is not something we can will upon ourselves, it is a gift that Jesus offers, but will we accept it, live it, and believe it.

Barriers to Peace

Prayfully consider barriers that may be stumbling blocks to achieving peace

  • Sin – sin not addressed through sanctification (confessing, cleansing)
  • Disobedience – continually striving with your plans and resolutions
  • Failure to receive God’s gift of peace – Isaiah 26:3-4 tells us trust is needed to receive peace
  • Tying peace to the outcomes of others – Jesus is the giver of peace, the behaviors of others will not provide the perfect peace from God.

3 Ways to Experience Peace in Your Life

When we feel stressed, it can be hard to find peace in our lives. But there are ways to experience peace even during the most stressful times.

1) Meditate – Meditation is a great way to break from your worries and experience peace in your life. It’s also a great way to keep stress levels low, improve mood, and sleep better at night. The Word of God is the ultimate source of guidance. Consider using a prayer app, a devotional, or reading passages on peace to access God’s Word.

2) Take time for yourself – Taking time for yourself is essential for maintaining mental health and experiencing peace in your life. You deserve it! Jesus often spent time alone praying and reflecting. You don’t have to be a monk per se, begin by carving out brief periods alone with God.

3) Practice gratitude – When you practice gratitude, you’ll be able to see the good things in your life, which will help you feel more peaceful and happier overall. It is a Christian principle to be thankful for everything, be joyful always, and pray constantly. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Conclusion: The Bible Gives Us Hope For Peace

God is watching, waiting, and desiring always to help us. He understands our minds’ tricks, ruminating thoughts, worrying, and defeated feelings. Start with Jesus, accept the peace that surpasses all understanding.  

Call to Action

Write out a statement of belief concerning the truths about peace. Use scripture verses to affirm God’s Word. Place in an area you are most likely to view. Use this statement as a reminder of God’s amazing Word and Peace.

Practice your thankfulness, see my Blog, Bible Verses About Thankfulness, and download a free 7 Day Thankfulness Journal.

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