What is Discipleship?

What is discipleship? If this is something you are curious about, you’ll be happy to know that the Bible has a lot to say. Read on to learn how all Christians are called to disciple, how to disciple, Bible verses for discipleship, and resources to help disciple others.

What is discipleship?

Discipleship is God equipping each generation of believers with the knowledge and ability to multiply His teachings to the peoples of the world.

What is a disciple?

A disciple of Jesus Christ learns from Him intimately, follows after Him closely, grows with Him continuously, believes in Him always, and disciples others to do the same.

Discipleship in the Bible?

Bible verses for discipleship can be found in the New Testament and the Old Testament. In the Old Testament, we find God implementing discipleship patterns in the Book of Exodus.

Discipleship Bible Verses in the Old Testament

Let’s examine the Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt:

  • They believed and trusted God. Exodus 4:29-31
  • Followed God through the Red Sea. Exodus 14:13,22
  • God gave them instructions for living by His commandments. Exodus 20:1-17
  • God instructed them to tell future generations about His works. Deuteronomy 4:9, 6:7

Discipleship Bible Verses in the New Testament

God has not changed the ways He uses people to bring about His plans and His will. Through His Son Jesus, we find the discipleship pattern laid out in the New Testament.

Let’s examine Jesus’ ministry of His disciples:

  • Jesus’ followers believed, trusted, and did His works. John 14:11-12
  • They followed, watched, and learned from Jesus. Matthew 4:19
  • Jesus taught them. Matthew 4:23, Luke 4:15
  • Jesus commanded them to go and tell others and make disciples. Matthew 28:19-20

Building Discipleship Characteristics

Jesus is the best place to start. He did not pick his apostles/disciples and then immediately send them out to make disciples. He first had to teach and prepare them for discipleship work.

Preparing Your Discipleship Journey

Begin your journey by acknowledging your faith and belief in Jesus Christ as your Savior; truly believe and trust Him. John 14:11-12

Implement consistent patterns of learning by following Jesus through His teachings, worship, prayer, and love for all. In John 14:15, Jesus says if we love Him, we will keep His commands.

Pursue the following discipleship characteristics.

  • Daily reading of the Scriptures.
  • Spiritual transformation of the heart.
  • Willing to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
  • Denying self and serving God.
  • Building the Fruit of the Spirit within yourself.
  • View the unsaved/new believers as an opportunity to follow Jesus’ command.

Take stock of your faith walk. Can you give an account of your hope in Christ? 1 Peter 3:15

  • Have you considered your hope in Christ? Use this an opportunity to write it out, think it out, or share verbally with a family member or close friend.
  • Be willing to share your journey with others; you will be pleasantly surprised how far God has brought you, stood with you, ministered to you, and guided you.
  • Remember, somebody can be encouraged from the trials you experience in life, according to 2 Corinthians 1:4. Use these trials as examples in guiding others to hope in Christ.

How Discipleship Works- Are we all called to disciple?

Questions to consider that may be helpful in understanding discipleship are:

Are all Believers called to disciple?

Yes, discipling is not just for a select few, but for all Believers. In Matthew 28:19-20, the words go and make disciples is interpreted as an ongoing command for all believers through the ages.

Do I have to take a course to learn how to disciple?

No, you don’t have to take a course to learn how to disciple; you have your own life experiences, your discipling characteristics, and the teachings of the Holy Spirit. You have learned at the Master’s feet. Resources can be excellent tools and complement your testimony. Consider books and courses on discipleship to help guide you with an organized and systematic approach.

Where do I find someone to disciple?

Pray and let Jesus be your guide to bring others to you. You never know if the very person He calls you to disciple is your next door neighbor. Believers are called in many different settings; some are called to be formal leaders of discipleship classes in a church setting, some in small groups, one-on-one, formal, or informal settings. Jesus knows your abilities.

Consider the importance of discipleship with this point; discipleship is how you and I came to be Christians some 2000+ years after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Someone told us the Good News, someone baptized us, and someone taught us to follow Jesus’ commands. It takes the whole body of Christ to disciple.

Discipleship Resources

Check out these resources to help guide and direct your plan for discipleship.

The Rose Guide to Discipleship is an ideal guide for pastors, teachers and individuals. It includes 30 ready-to-use lessons for discipling new Christians. It is easy to use and highly rated by users.

Following Jesus by Andrew M. Randall focuses attention on the basics of Christian discipleship, and covers the following vitally important themes: faith, the Bible, the church, prayer, the Holy Spirit, holiness, growth in grace, guidance, loving others, parenting children, evangelism, work, stewardship, suffering, and perseverance

The 2.7 Series by Navigators is a discipleship training curriculum done in small group settings. This is a good resource for a regular church discipling program, or home group. Navigators has been around since 1933, creating discipleship materials, and many other resources.

In this book Discipling, Pastor Mark Dever outlines the who, what, where, when, why, and how of discipling – helping others follow Jesus’ command. He teaches how to cultivate discipling into our everyday life.

Call to Action

Prayerfully consider starting a small discipling group of 2-4 within your church or home or with an individual. Select a resource if you want to choose this route, or start with a coffee date with a person you have in mind. You will not be disappointed but filled with joy at the opportunity to be a part of discipling for Jesus.

What first step are you going to take today to start discipling others?

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A blog describing how to disciple others.

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